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Why I Teach Art

Love of Art

Art and I have been connected since I was a child. I just couldn't seem to shake the itch for art no matter age or occupation. In 2019, I was given the opportunity to turn my passions into reality as a Art Teacher. 

Reduces Stress

Tactile and expressive experiences like art help to reduce stress in children and adults. Post-Covid times, children are experiencing a mental health crisis across the nation. These issues can be mitigated and helped through art education and practice. 

Love of Working with Kids

I have been working with kids since the seventh grade when I became a Sunday school teacher. Working with children has been an absolute joy and amazing experience. Each day I learn and laugh with my students. 


Art Education fosters creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills. Students are given flexibility and space to develop much needed skills for design, engineering, and innovative thinking. 

Love of Learning

Learning is one of my favorite pastimes. I cannot picture a moment when I will want to stop being a student and soaking up as much information as possible. Learning and art are the ideal combination!  


Art Education helps to understand history and the world around us from multiple perspectives and lenes. We learn more about ourselves, interpersonal skills, and empathy of others through the arts. 

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